As a business owner you understand the importance of keeping your business running.  That’s why we offer world class loss control services to minimize your exposures and control losses that would be severely detrimental to your business.  Our companies provide risk engineers whose services are designed to meet the unique needs of the technology industry.


  • Vital Business Locations and Equipment – The tiniest bit of water or smoke could damage your data centers or other electrical equipment.  Our policies provide risk engineers who can identify overlooked hazards and recommend solutions to prevent minor accidents from snow balling into huge losses.


  • Electrical systems analysis – The last thing you want is a fire.  The best solution is to identify any faulty wiring before it becomes a problem.  Our companies can analyze our location with infrared equipment to identify any problems without interrupting your operations.


  • Ergonomics- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, back, and repetitive motion injuries are rampant in office settings.  Our carriers can offer your business ergonomics training as well as workstation diagnosis to help prevent these injuries


  • Auto – Risk engineers can develop fleet management programs to reduce exposure from the driving habits for sales reps and your service technicians.


  • Business Income – Our professionals will help you analyze all your operations to determine the exact cost of continuing operations should you incur a covered loss.  This will ensure your business has the coverage you need to continuing business, which may include moving to a temporary location, as well as coverage for any lost income.